Book Sneak Peek: Be Thoughtful and Planful

I value the feedback I’m getting from readers of my book, Smart Talk: Public Relations Essentials All Pros Should Know. If you know me, I want to share everything I can about a topic. Sometimes all at once! In that spirit, some of the fan favorites from each chapter will be shared in this Sneak Peek blog series. Read on for a gem from each chapter.

In Chapter 10, “Act Like a Pro,” I review what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss the changes that it made to our work lives. Yes, many people began to work from home, but we also experienced a push toward authenticity. Read this excerpt, which shows the integration of the Public Relations, DEI, and Social Responsibility model, below. For more important details, order your own copy on Amazon or purchase an autographed copy here.

Remember, what is helpful to society evolves with time. Always consider SR principles, but then apply methods against what matters most now since changing times can quickly change what society values or needs. For example, look how the pandemic made how we worked and lived shift so quickly. 

Before 2020, many organizations shied away from sensitive topics. Employees now, especially younger recruits, are looking for organizations that are socially responsible and support efforts that benefit the environment, health, social justice, politics, gender equality, and more. Help your organization assess what really matters to them. Then either commit to helping in that space or don’t step into it. Too many  brands make tone-deaf or inauthentic declarations that are called out. 

Planning ahead whenever you can and understanding what your stances are is critical to navigate the waters of social and digital media. Social responsibility done right by the community promotes the long-term success of an organization. This is a smart way to use PR for good and support the development of a better future.

For any practice to be authentic, meaning there’s talk proven true by action, that practice should be integrated into all parts of an organization. I advise PR professionals to infuse SR actions into PR work as a way to reach the outcomes they are trying to achieve. What’s wonderful is that being socially responsible should uphold the tenets of DEI as well. The illustration below is an evolution of my firm’s PR and DEI Integration Model. It shows how together, PR and DEI principles align with SR principles. We’re naturally in sync when PR is practiced for the betterment of society! That synergy can be powerful, and the outcomes of creating strong relationships and goodwill, mitigating issues, and increasing sustainability or positive societal impact are priceless.

For more guidance, other PR pro’s opinions, important real-world key terms and hard-learned lessons, get your copy of  Smart Talk: Public Relations Essentials All Pros Should Know. Audiobook now available


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Book Sneak Peek: Thinking Critically & Planning for a Crisis